Thursday, March 22, 2012


Dillon loves to dance. He also loves his Buzz Lightyear wing-pack, which was pictured in the last post. Put the two together...

He's got rhythm, that boy. As cool as the "stomp side to side" move is, Dillon decided it was time to learn a new one. This one is called "dance on the floor and put your legs up," aka, breakdancing. See for yourself...

Is it just because I am his mom? Or is this legitimately hilarious?

Monday, March 19, 2012

Just so cute

This morning, Dillon and I were playing the, "Can you say..." game. It went something like this:

Mommy: Can you say Mommy?

Dillon: No.

Mommy: Can you say Daddy?

Dillon: No.

Mommy: Can you say Nonna?

Dillon: No.

Mommy: Can you say Poppa?

Dillon: No.

Mommy: Can you say Dillon?

Dillon: No.

Mommy: Can you say french fries?

Dillon: Feh Fie!!!

And, because a post needs pictures...

This is Dillon on February 3 doing repairs on his Buzz Lightyear wing-pack. He has since kicked the bink habit.