Dillon and I decided to REALLY celebrate Memorial Day. D's great aunt, Cindi, flew into St. Louis and drove us to Kansas. The first order of business was for Dillon to meet his Great-Grandma and Grandpa Knapp. We are staying with them in their new house. They moved to town from the farm late last year. This morning, we went to the Apostolic Christian Cemetery to introduce Dillon to some of his other people. Great-Grandma and Grandpa brought flowers, but Dillon and I decided that the very best thing you can put on a grave is a baby. So, that's what we did. He met his GG-Grandparents Knapp, Charles and Esther, his GGG-grandparents Knapp, Pauline and George, and his namesake and GGGG-Grandpa Fred (Friedrich) Greiner.
I am desperately trying to get all the errands run after being out of town for 2 weeks. But, I don't think it's going to happen. I nearly had to walk home from the post office on account of my brakes failing. Who knows how I will get to my 7am Dr appointment tomorrow, or Dillon's the next day? Also, I was really hoping to go to the grocery store. Isn't this fun?