Friday, June 18, 2010

My big baby

As the Dr. was doing the ultrasound (mid-measuring) I asked,

"So, is he really big? Because I feel REALLY big."

His response,

"Ummm, yeah. He's a monster."

He currently weighs in at 5+ pounds putting him above the ninetieth percentile. He should be between 4 and 4.5. We will keep monitoring him as it gets closer to his due date, but if he gets to 9.5 lbs, I will have to get a second opinion and probably a C-section.

Hopefully, he won't get that big. They are supposed to gain about half a pound a week and I was already planning to get induced a week early. That only gives him 6.5 weeks to get fatter.


Sarah McK said...

Wowzer! Good luck!!

Laus said...

well, that's not such a fun bit of news to the mommy who has to deliver him BUT on the up and up bigger babies are healthier babies! ;)

CValentine said...

I want to have a big baby. I just don't want to HAVE a big baby.

Tiff, Adam, Lily, Gemma and Linus said...

Well, what can you expect with Mark being such a fatty? :) My brother came a month early and weighed in at 12 pounds 5 ounces--that was all due to gestational diabetes, though. I would hope your doctor wouldn't let the baby get too big before inducing, or something. Good luck!