Tuesday, March 29, 2011

At bedtime...

...Dillon gets a bottle while being held and sung to. A lot of times he falls mostly asleep by the time the bottle is gone. But, lately, he has been outlasting the bottle. When he finishes, I give him his pacifier. Sometimes he just lies there and listens to the end of the songs while I rub his belly. But, this last week, he has started singing along. You're skeptical, I know. I promise, it's true. These are lyrical noises that he contentedly makes only at singing time. He doesn't "sing" any other time and he's actually pretty good.

His favorite song is, "Love One Another," which is appropriate since this is something he is very good at. Dillon loves everyone. I feel selfish on days when I don't take him out at all, because everywhere we go, he makes someone's day. He can be mad as hornets, but if a stranger wants to talk to him, he will calm down and smile at them.

Maybe it doesn't mean much coming from me, since I am his mother. But, Dillon is special. Really, REALLY special. I feel ill equipped to have stewardship over a spirit so precious. Often it seems like he has more to teach me than I have to teach him. So, to have that responsibility, is humbling.

I just put him down. He is in his bed singing himself to sleep.


Sarah McK said...

Cal did the same thing at that age. Hooray for sweet little songbirds! :)

Laus said...

I love it! I'm telling you I think sometimes I am silly for still having to turn on the monitor at age 2 but I LOVE listening to her sing "I'm a Child of God" or "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" when she's falling to sleep or waking up.