Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I'm 18 months old!

It's all very exciting. I forgot to take the pictures yesterday, so they actually show Dillon at 18 months and a day. They also show the real boy. He is happy most of the time, but just as emotional as any other kid his age. We have to document this as well. You will also notice that he has lost his angelic baby face. It is hiding behind all those big teeth, snot left over from a rough fall and winter, drool 'cause those 2 year molars are being stubborn, and cuts and bruises 'cause Dillon is ALL boy. The spot on his forehead is from running into the corner of a counter-top at the Family History Center this morning. The spot on his cheek is a couple weeks old. He bent over to drink from a straw down by his feet. But instead of getting the straw in his mouth, he got a perfectly round cut on his cheek.

We've been taking turns being sick and sad since Christmas. But, as of today, we are all happy and healthy. The only thing that makes us sad is watching Daddy leave in the morning.

Dillon LOVES nursery. We went shopping with his nursery leader and he kept hugging her legs. This past Sunday, I picked him up early. Instead of crying when he saw me, he ignored me and kept on playing with his toys. Nursery is one of God's greatest creations. I haven't enjoyed church in a long time, but now I look forward to it AND get something out of it. Amazing.


Amy and Spencer said...

I LOVE his shirt. He is getting so big! It's crazy how quickly time has gone by.

Laus said...

I think it's YEARS that makes him an eligible bachelor, but if you wanna make a go for lowing the age of consent--ew yuck! ;)

Nursery seriously is a blessing. I'm very grateful for the leaders that spend their Sundays there, so that I can get something to up lift me each week (except, I've got another year before it's bliss again for me each week).

peejay said...

he has served a mission!

Sarah McK said...

He is darling! Callum always cried when we picked him UP from nursery. :)