Monday, April 28, 2008

Forgive the slow start

The blog hasn't grown much yet. We have been very busy trying to finish school, etc. But after a short sabbatical, things will really take off and get exciting. The only reason I set it up when I did was so it would already be established when we get home from the honeymoon.

Mark and I just arrived in Denver. The most exciting part about that statement is that it implies bigger things (for example, we both graduated and we don't have to go back to UT). Our wedding is on May 10 and it will be followed immediately by a honeymoon and an open house in Denver. There won't be much, ok, anything, posted on the blog until we get back from the open house (around May 20). This is just a heads up and a plea not to give up on reading the blog. There is lots of fun stuff coming. Here's what you can be excited about:

-Mark and the Penske
-Careen and Mark covered in raw egg
-Pictures of our wedding and honeymoon

1 comment:

Brandi Lyn said...

I can't believe you're getting married in like less than 2 weeks!! Your announcement was beautiful thank you so much! Know i'll be thinking of you on your special day :)