Saturday, January 17, 2009

I love my life...and my husband

photo credit: JR Geoffrion
(original image altered)

For a while I felt bad about it. I am so blissfully happy, and yet, I do nothing to deserve it. And, there are so many people around me that deserve happiness more than I do, and yet they struggle...with really serious stuff. When I catch myself getting angry or frustrated, I just have to remind myself how relatively perfect my life is. If you know me very well, you know what I mean when I say I wonder if it is because He knows that I can't handle the serious stuff. But should that, my weakness, be rewarded with bliss? Maybe, the hard times are coming and I should enjoy what I have while I have it. Either way, I am grateful for everything I have. I think the spirit of Thanksgiving hit me late. I'm grateful...for everything. I'm the luckiest girl in the world, mostly because I am married to Mark. He's amazing. I knew I loved him when we got married, but I never knew how indescribably happy he would make me. Best decision I ever made...or will.


Laurel said...

you are so cute. i'm glad you are so happy (and that you didn't listen when i told you mark was a jerk and you should never marry him). that said, i may choose to remind you of this post in 8 years when you are whining about your poverty:)

CValentine said...

understandable, and it's not 8 yrs from now and I can't be sure, but most likely helpful

Laus said...

Yea for making a good choice in choosing a husband! I completely understand how you feel.

CV said...

as long as you have a working toilet you will be better off than 99.9% of the people that have lived on the planet, and if you still like mark you are even better off.