Thursday, February 26, 2009


Wow. I am a horrible blogger sometimes. I go through phases where it seems like there is so much to tell. And then, the opposite. But, for all those that don't hear from me frequently, a quick update and renewed commitment to blog are in order.

When Mark and I got back from the holidays, we immediately got back to work. And I worked, a lot. Until I was completely burned out. But about a week ago, I finished a huge project I have been working on since November. (I still haven't been paid for half of it. But, I digress). The last week has been lovely. I have been able to catch up on other projects that have been on hold for a few months. Some of those projects are work related, and others are related to the pigsty we have been living in for the last month while my domestic chores were being neglected.

Mark is also doing well. He is also a little burned out at work, but thankfully, there has been a lot going on to distract him. At the beginning of this month, he went to Stanford for his second MD/PhD interview. He loved it! and we are hoping and praying to be invited. Then over the three-day weekend, we drove to Colorado. Yes, that is as ridiculous as it sounds. We drove 6.5 hours Thursday night and stayed in Salina, KS. Then we drove 6.5 hours Friday to Denver where we spent the afternoon and evening with Mark's parents and younger brothers. Then, Saturday morning we drove down to Colorado Springs to spend Saturday, Sunday, and Monday morning with Mark's older brother, sister-in-law, and their two kids. Monday afternoon we drove 6.5 hours to Salina, KS. Tuesday we drove 6.5 hours back to St. Louis. So, it was more like a week than a weekend...and a nice little break. (I got to go to Relief Society!!!)

We are still slowly, but surely, carving out a little place for ourselves (socially) in our ward. I am enjoying the nursery and getting to know the other primary leaders better. Mark is enjoying the bishopric and all of the opportunities he has to help and serve the ward. I am getting used to spending sacrament meeting and Wednesday nights alone. As much as I complain, I think my cloistered sacrament meeting experience is good for me. There won't be many sacrament meetings in the next 30 years that are quite so blissfully free from distraction. (That is not to say that should someone decide to sit next to me, I would deny them. Attention!...there is plenty of room on my row!).

Anyway, that is what is going on. We are looking forward to a visit to Keokuk at the end of March to see my family, a week in UT at the beginning of April to see EVERYONE!!! and eat at Costa Vita, and a trip for me to Kansas with my mom to see my grandma and grandpa, and subsequent visits from my sister, Emma, and niece, Evelyn, and aunt, Cindi.

Stay tuned for an amusing little anectode about a popular Cinncinati sausage company. Anyone heard of Glier's Goetta?

1 comment:

Laus said...

Yah for keeping busy! I feel like we've been busy too but don't ask me what we've been doing because I don't recall...that's the great thing about pregnancy, if I don't write it down, it's likely forgotten. :)

Can hardly wait for your visit in April!