Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Happier Things

Here is another link to Emma's blog (you should read it; it's pretty funny):

Still got it

Because of the incident alluded to at the beginning of the "Still got it" post, it was decided that it was not safe for Mom and Dad to transport Lucien to the residential treatment facility in Utah where he has been living for the last nine days. After a lot of frustrating deliberation, we came up with a plan. Mark flew into Columbus on Friday night. On Sunday morning he picked Lucien up at the hospital. My parents had a friend from church drive them to the airport. Lucien and Mark flew to Salt Lake City where the director of Hightop Boys' Ranch (in south-central Utah), met them at security and drove Lucien the rest of the way to his new home.

He will probably be there for at least the next year. Hopefully, he will be able to get better and come home soon. You may think it heartless to send off a 10-yr-old boy to live in a far-away facility. But you would be wrong. Even though it's painful to see him go, I know it is the best thing for him. After eight years of trying everything to help him, it is no longer beneficial for him to be at home. He needs to get the right help and heal if he will ever live a normal life. And it has to happen now, because it isn't safe for the rest of the family for him to be home, and he needs a chance to recover before he gets older and it is too late. The only other options were foster care and juvenile detention, both of which would only make things worse.

Despite the difficult circumstances, it was nice to spend a couple weeks in Ohio. All three of my sisters and my niece were able to be there. I was able to get to know my niece again (she was sick last time I saw her and didn't do much recreational socializing.) We had lots of fun:

We did a bit of entry-way grocery shopping,

made friends with the more tolerant of Nana's two cats,

read stories,

and frolicked about with no clothes on (I didn't technically participate in this activity).

Also, one more happy thing. We got a new couch! For those of you requesting pictures:

Genuine leather!

Cozy cushions!!

Isn't it lovely?


Laurel said...

That is fantastic. It looks very manly and comfortable. Not a single flower. I'm proud of you. But, um, what happened to the rest of your front room furniture?

Amy and Spencer said...

Careen! So good to see you have updated your blog and I love the pics. I agree with Laurel, no flowers and it looks very comfortable.

Laus said...

What a cutie little Evelyn. I was glad to see you specify you didn't frolick naked with her.

And I'm excited to see you!!!

Unknown said...

Those pictures turned out so cute. I need to get you to burn me a disc when I see you (and your new couch) in less than two weeks! Yay!

alpinekleins said...

Oh - toooo cute! I floundered my way around from Jackie, to Amy until I found myself here. I'll have to come back frequently for updates. Thanks for coming by!

Sis. Klein

Laurel said...

Well Careen. I've decided that you do indeed need a child of your own. Two reasons. #1 To make your blog more interesting. Lovely as your new couch is, I don't think anyone is interested to see weekly pictures of how it's growing up. And #2 so your photographic genius doesn't go to waste documenting couches, violins and feet forever.