Friday, December 17, 2010

He looks like me, too!!!

I'm the little bald one.


Laus said...

For sure he is Mark's son. Personally, I have always felt the eyes and the hair have been your input ;)

Danelle said...

I think he does look like you, comparing those baby photos. And I think there are a lot of things about Adeline that look like me when I dig up some of my old baby pictures, but people only see the blonde hair and blue eyes (although mine are green and people mistake them for blue at times). But I heard somewhere that babies tend to look more like their daddies (to the daddies and other people) so that the daddies will more readily bond with their offspring. I mean, we got all that prego time to bond, and then nursing time to bond. Maybe there needs to be a little balance. I dunno. Just a theory. :-)

Another side note. If we were Asian, we would look more at facial features like chins, cheeks, eye shape and separation, but instead we are fixated on color, eye color, hair color, skin color, etc. (I read it in NatGeo awhile ago.) Ah, the science of facial recognition.

Tangent on skin color: I was noticing in my kindergarten class photo that I had the lightest skin in my class. This included all the blondies and redheads. I also had protroding canines, and dark hair. I looked like a vampire from Twilight, and my family used to tease me that I was a vampire (on account of my teeth and all). I still wear the lightest foundation that Neutrogena makes, but the Rowley side of the family still thinks I am dark. I know that they will believe what they believe bc I don't have blonde hair and blue eyes, and I don't have the energy to convert them from their wrong thinking. And maybe you don't agree with me either. Oh well, I have photographic evidence. :-) And your skin is definitely very light, maybe you have a hard time finding a foundation to match your light skin. And maybe you don't need foundation, your skin looks nice and blemish-free!

As for hair, half my family ended up with lighter, blondish hair, so it's in my genetic code. I have a lot of ancestors from Denmark, which is where a lot of Adam's ancestors are from too. Maybe I'll have all blonde-haired babies. That baby has 50% of my genes in it, so get off your silly notions that the baby is 100% Adam's clone. But most people don't really take the time to find these things out. And there is only so much time in the day, so I don't blame them... too much.