Thursday, December 16, 2010

I'm going crazy!!!!!

I love my baby SOOOOO much. Which is why I HAVE to sleep train him. But, this is, well, it's not the hardest thing I've ever done, but it is REALLY hard. It's incredibly hard. I'm not used to listening to him cry. He's not a crier. He never has been. But he will cry for a REALLY long time before he falls asleep and it breaks my heart. It takes all of my willpower to stay OUT of his room. My brain comes up with all sorts of horrible things that could be going on in there, but I just have to wait until he stops crying to prove to myself that he is just sleeping and wasn't in there dying the whole time.

I just printed this and taped it to his door to strengthen myself.

"Establishing healthy sleep habits might mean some crying if they get a second wind, because they are overtired, which will be hard on you, the parent. But don't let your baby cry for more than one hour at naps, and when you do go to [him], be calm and be consistent with nap schedules based on Drowsy Signs and clock times, because that's what will help your baby learn. You are not abandoning your baby—you are giving [him] all the attention when [he] is awake. But now, [he] needs to be alone to sleep."


Jamie Simms said...

I remember when I had to do that with Emma. It was so hard. I would just sit outside her door, luckily Jake was there to remind me not to go in. Fortunately, it was only rough for a few days and then she got the hang of it and since then she's been so easy to put down for naps and to bed. And it's easier with the second.

Tiff, Adam, Lily, Gemma and Linus said...

This sounds familiar. Gemma has been a great sleeper until now--very annoying. Hence I've been trying to do a little sleep training as well. I used to freak out once she stopped crying, though, wondering if she was okay. Lily was the same way, but she became a champion sleeper. I remember my dr. telling me not to expect great night time sleep until they were about 15 lbs (I don't think Dillon has that problem). :) Keep at it--he'll catch on!

Kira said...

I had the same problem with Maddie, so I would try and do dishes or vacuum until she stopped crying just so I couldnt hear scream cause it would just break my heart! She got it down in about a week and since then has been a GREAT sleep. And now sometimes she'll whine when I put her down, and its ALOT easier to ignore. Good Luck, I know its hard, but you can do it!!

Laus said...

It is well worth your patience...barring the crib falling apart as Klein would tell you...but seriously, YOU CAN DO IT!