Monday, January 17, 2011

I'm such a sucker.

Here's what just happened instead of Dillon getting his poopy pants changed and having a bath. I'm going to have to learn to say, "No." I'm just not there yet.


Sarah McK said...

It's a hard thing to learn, but so worth it! Make him cry for a few days now and get the rest of his lifetime of sleep and a predictable baby!

Laus said...

Am I missing something? You left poor Dillon in a poopy diaper smashed against his bum in a play center thing? Because that's what it looks like ;)
I have been known to put off Ava's baths but I find that leaving the her in her stinky diapers yields a red and rashed bum which isn't pleasant for either of us.

Mavelous said...

Look at those cute leggies! You made the right choice!

You guys look great in all these pictures! Dillon is so cute.

Miss you!