Wednesday, June 15, 2011

As of Monday...

...Dillon can crawl!

He also works very hard on his laptop. Thanks to the M family who donated it to the ward. Thanks to the ward who couldn't get it to work. Dillon has insisted we adopt the thing and give it a good home.

He has also been getting ready for our big beach adventure starting FRIDAY! He looks ready to me.

And finally, he loves his new diapers. I have had intentions of cloth diapering for a long time. During the winter it was impossible. They don't make baby clothes to fit over cloth diapers anymore. And I couldn't even find pants that fit Dillon when he was wearing NO diaper. But, now that summertime is here, we are free to explore the brave new (and oh so cute and snuggly) world of cloth diapering.

1 comment:

Laus said...

Brave woman! I cannot get myself to join the cloth diaper band wagon. I am totally in love that newborn diapers have a strip to tell me when my little one is wet and I LOVE not having to clean a reuseable (spell??) diaper. Yup, I'm burning up with my carbon footprint ;)