Monday, July 11, 2011

Dangerous Games

[There is a beach post coming, I promise.]

On Saturday, Dillon figured out how to climb stairs. I took him to the basement with me and stood him up at the bottom of the stairs where I "knew" I'd find him after I switched the laundry. I nearly had a heart attack when I rounded the corner and I couldn't see him. When I got to the stairs, there he was, two steps up, beaming with pride.

Also featured here is the new fuzzy striped diaper we got in the mail today. I have wanted this diaper for months, but it just recently became available from a seller I trust. I'm a little sad we didn't have it for the fourth. Oh well. I'm still in love...with the diaper, and the hiney it covers.

1 comment:

Sarah McK said...

Big boy on the moooove!!! I love that chub! You always take beautiful pics! Miss you guys!!