Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hand, foot and mouth

No, no one is diseased. We just have hand, foot and mouth related news.

Mouth: Dillon was getting his diaper changed on Saturday morning and I saw something in his mouth. A little irked that he had managed to stuff trash in his mouth somewhere between getting out of bed and getting his nighttime diaper changed, I stuck my finger in the remove the offending object. Turns out, it was a tooth. No, not just any tooth, a molar. Out of curiosity, I checked the other side. Yep, Dillon has two top molars. Upon closer inspection, I discovered that he is also getting two more teeth on either side of his front bottom teeth. That's right, he went from two teeth to five with one about to pop up any minute.

Foot: On Thursday morning, Dillon was toddling about with his Aunty and he surprised us all by taking a couple solo steps to get to me. He's been working on it everyday since and is getting pretty good. The video is from Sunday. We couldn't manage to capture his best moments, but he can take 5-6 steps at a time.

Hand: Dillon couldn't have started walking at a better time. I have been getting horrible pain in my left hand. It is one finger at a time, but since I never get a break from picking up, carrying and otherwise handling my 32 lb babe, I never heal from one injury before sustaining another. Just before writing this post, I got a pretty nasty twisted wrist from trying to set Dillon down on his back without hitting his head on the floor.


Unknown said...

Yay Dillon! You need to come to Ohio next month so they can walk around together. :)

Amy said...

Oh my gosh, I can't believe he is walking already. I told you he would beat Brig walking. He still doesn't want to even try.

Laus said...

Hip, Hip Hooray! I CANNOT wait to come see him! [And you too of course ;)]
Sorry for your hand injuries. :(