Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Busy, not lazy

That's my excuse, not only for neglecting the blog, but for neglecting to photograph my son at all. We've been keeping busy which is bad for our gas bill, but good for our minds and bodies. Dillon and I both LOVE to go to the gym. He doesn't cry when I drop him with the babysitters anymore. He just hands them his "ticket" (my ID), asks for his lovey, walks in, turns around, waves at me and says, "Bye!" He gets to play with other kids, and learn to leave me, and I get to do something to take care of myself. I feel healthy again. I was sick for a month, and spent another month recuperating before I could go back to the gym. I am mostly pain free now. It only hurts when I try to take deep breaths. But I can safely run for 30 min and walk for 20. (I've worked up to this since mid February when I started up again).

I have also been learning to cook. I really struggle with this. Sometimes execution is my problem, but mostly I struggle with planning and shopping. Yuck. It just doesn't come naturally to me. I lived on cold cereal in college. But, today Dillon and I made our 7th and 8th loaves of bread. AND, we now eat homemade granola. Mmmm. I even sign up to have the missionaries over once a month, because I am confident enough to make the meal myself instead of worrying whether Mark will be available to do it.

Dillon has been to the Dr. twice this month. The first time was his 18 month check up. I asked his pediatrician to refer us to a pulmonologist. Dillon's pulmonologist is Dr. Choo-Kang, and he is almost as cool as his name. Dillon started wheezing for the first time since New Year's the day after we saw Dr. Choo-Kang. And thanks to Dr. Choo-Kang, he is getting better without steroids OR nebulizers. Thank you, Dr. Choo-Kang!!! We HATE steroids and nebulizers. Dillon actually really likes his inhaler and pills. The pills are chewable and taste like candy. Mmmm. Singulair.

In an attempt to resurrect good camera habits, I took pictures of Dillon today.

Dillon making bread in Great Grandmother Barrett's yellow apron. I wear the pink one, and we make a killer kitchen team.

I dress him in the morning, and yet, by the end of the day, he always manages to look something like this.

The scratch? No clue. Whatever it was happened between 4-6pm, and Dillon didn't seem to mind it.

I'm pretty sure this requires no caption.

Our finished product. What did YOUR kitchen smell like tonight?

This is the recipe I use. I've tried a couple and really like this one. It is from my Grandmother's 1950 Betty Crocker Picture Cookbook.

I use half unbleached flour and half whole wheat white flour. The book says that all you have to do to make this into whole wheat bread, is to knead in a 1/4 cup of whole wheat flour when your dough is finished. Ha ha. I got a kick out of that. Times have changed.

In conclusion, and totally off topic(s), for those keeping track, Dillon weighed 35 lb 8 oz last Wednesday. He is 34.5" tall.


Amy and Spencer said...

Looks delicious! I love homemade bread but the bread machine is just so much easier.

Laus said...

YUM! And I am so jealous. I am waiting for the mother's day or father's day that Steve and I finally get to put a kitchenaid/other mixer at the top of the list so we can get it going on doughs.
And BTW, Dillon is like 5 pounds heavier than Ava. Love it! Andrew, he's likely to pass her up too.

Sarah McK said...

I think Dillon may weigh the same amount as Callum, who is turning 3 next week!! Get that boy into some football pads pronto! :) Love you guys! Glad you're feeling well---sorry you were so sick!