Friday, October 12, 2012

Darling Dillon

Today, while pooping on the potty, Dillon looked up at this picture which hangs on the bathroom wall. After giving it some thought, he told me that it was a picture of Daddy and Mary Poppins.

He decided he wanted to color. After running around naked, coloring in his armpits, and saying, "Armpits!", he settled in to rip paper off crayons. Later, I found him picking up all of his crayon paper bits and placing them in the dustpan.  

I was making muffins. Dillon ran into the kitchen and said, "By self, shoes!" Indeed, he had put on a shoe by himself. He has been working on this for months. This was the first time he got an entire foot in a shoe. It is even fastened! We took a commemorative photograph.

Dillon had tomato soup for lunch. Dillon loves tomato soup. I love Dillon's face. Also, according to the white boards on our refrigerator, Dillon [hearts] pie, Daddy is a hotty, and Daddy loves Mommy.

Dillon was naked today because of a stubborn bowel movement and a frequent need to sit on the potty.  After the bowel was successfully moved, he said, "Owie bottom. Mommy kiss it."  You think you would do anything for your kids.  Then, one day, you realize that you wouldn't.  And it's for the best.

I put Dillon to bed and sat in the adjacent room to work on a project.  After 20 minutes of silence, I heard him start mumbling to himself.  Then he broke into song, "Clean up, clean up, everybody...clean up, clean up, everybody."  Dillon likes to sing.  His favorites are "Clean Up," "Cow Planet," "Super Stomper," and "Row your Boat." If you know the "Super Stomper" chant, Dillon suggests you add a "Hooray!" at the end.

Yesterday, we went to the grocery store.  He looked up at me and smiled.  "What?" I asked.  "Uchtdorf!" he replied.  He saw that I was pleased and added, "Eyring."  He looked pensive for a while, then finished with, "Monson! Monson."  So, to answer your question, Aunt Cindi, that is what Dillon learned at conference.

Dillon has been really into books the last few days. It's fun. I've been reading him a ghost story "The Teeny Tiny Woman" by Paul Galdone. I wasn't sure how well he understood it but he must have caught on. After a few readings, when I got to the scary part, he whimpered and said "all done" and tried to close the book. I made him sit through it, but held his hand. He fusses at the scary part every time, but keeps making me read it. "Tee Tiny Bone, more."

Earlier this week Dillon went to a friend's house so I could do a Relief Society service thing. On the way home, he gave me a fun run down of what he did. "Bye bye Davy. Bye bye balloon. Fun balloon. Funny Davy. No sad Davy. Throw balloon. Davy daddy balloon.  Throw it ball, gym [that was something he was remembering from this morning]. Davy sword. Fun sword. BANG BANG." It's almost like I was there. :)


CINDI said...

I am so glad that even the littlest of us learned something in conference!

Laus said...

Very darling indeed. Oh what a fun, sweet age! I'm glad to know you don't kiss your son's bum. Sooooo glad Ava doesn't ask for that and Andrew still refuses to speak, so, so far I'm in luck.