Saturday, November 3, 2012


We all got dressed up again on Halloween and went Trick-or-treating.  Dillon had a grand time.  After each house, he said, "More houses.  More houses."

At one house we saw a BIG white dog wearing a tutu.  At another house, there was a BIG fake spider and a BIG real spider on the porch.  At another house, Dillon was invited in, he being so cute that everyone inside needed a better look at him.  They had a basket of little candies, a bucket of medium candies, and a bowl of BIG candies.  Dillon was so cute that they gave him two BIG candies and handfuls and handfuls of medium candies. They also held out the basket of little candies so Dillon could grab as much as he wanted while they admired him.  A big group of kids came up as we were leaving.  I couldn't help noticing they were only offered the basket of little candies. 

Before going home, we went to see the G family.  Their dog had glowing pumpkin ears.  They loved on Dillon, as they always do, and he made them all smile. 

And, because you know you want them, here are more pictures of the captain. 

p.s. Remember these guys?  If you like that pea, you will love my friend, Emily.  Check her out at


mav said...

Best Halloween costumes EVER!

So cute! The costume and the boy. I am loving this!!

Laus said...

Aww! So much fun with your little one.