Sunday, November 2, 2008

I'm back.

I have received several complaints about the state of my blog. It is shameful. I admit it. I've just been feeling like my life isn't very interesting. But I am encouraged by the complaints, proving that some of you care what I am up to, even if it's dull.

I read other people's blogs and am annoyed by posts sans pictures. But we haven't taken many lately, so sorry if the offering is bland.

I'm sure you are wondering why I posted pictures of my feet. Well, they are actually representative of an important part my day. I am ALL alone, ALL day....and, actually, very lonely. I am no longer working for HR imaging (it wasn't a good fit and after 3-4 tries, I have finally quit). My work is all at home or in a library. I never see or talk to anyone other than Mark and the nursery kids at church. Our friends, the Kauwes, and my sister Laurel have moved leaving Mark and I friendless. Mark goes to work everyday and, therefore, doesn't suffer as much as I do from the isolation. But when he gets home, and would probably appreciate some solitude, I am desperate for some sort of human interaction. So, while he is on the computer for his afternoon internet ritual (emails, online surveys, and looking at the money in our bank accounts) I lie on the floor next to his feet like a cat. As I lay there, I notice how the afternoon light plays with the objects in the room, like my feet. And that is why I have shared with you all this photographic study of my toes. Enjoy!

If you want to see some GOOD pictures, visit my friend Jessie's website ( She is a fantastic portrait and wedding photographer and always posts new pictures of pretty people. For GOOD pictures of a different variety, visit my sister's blog ( There you can see my niece, Evelyn's, PRIZE WINNING Halloween costume. It is amazingly cute. Make sure you scroll down and view the videos of her new brave walk (and waddle). And don't be a stranger, leave a comment. Emma and Evelyn love to know what you think of their wardrobes, waddles, and witty writing. Here is a sneak preview...

About a month ago, Mark and I went to the mall to shop. Usually, we only go to the mall to see movies. (We go to a lot of movies.) He needed new clothes. So, we did as much shopping as you can do in 45 minutes. When we got home, Mark decided to get rid of all the clothes he had been holding onto in case he ever needed or wanted to wear them. I guess he realized that he would never WANT to wear them, and now that he has new clothes, will never NEED to wear them. We made a big pile for charity, but as I was folding all of his old button down shirts, I decided I liked the colors and patterns. So, I am currently in the process of cutting them up so I can reuse the fabric for quilting. (Yes, I quilt.) That is what I work on while Mark plays his new xBox game (Star Wars: The Force Unleashed). Some times I offer him pieces of his shirts back. And sometimes, he takes them. Below is a picture of Mark wearing what was a sleeve, as a hat. (This was last week when it was really cold here and I wouldn't let him turn on the heater.)

If my return to blogging has entertained you even a little, be sure to check back. In honor of Hallowe'en, Samhain, and the Celtic New Year, I have made a resolution to be a better blogger. Coming up...the current state of Careen's career.


Cassie said...

It is nice to see you are still alive out there. Happy to hear you are quilting too. You should call Rebecca. What a shame to be lonely when you live in the same town with one of the funnest people I know. We are very excited about Thanksgiving. Be sure to blog about the new client you told Dad about. He doesn't share very well.

rasty said...

YEA for an update! I loved the blog and I just talked to you the other day for two hours and nothing in your post was boring to me. I also love that you quilt. One day maybe I can learn to be more like you in that way.

Tiff, Adam, Lily, Gemma and Linus said...

Hey Careen--I had almost given up hope of ever hearing from your blog again, so it's nice to see you have reavowed yourself to the blogging world. Your post made me recall the time right after I got married--I was doing temp work, sporadically, for about 3 months until I found a permanent job--needless to say, I spent a lot of time by myself in our apartment. At first it was fun because I had a whole apartment to decorate, but that novelty soon wore off. I went through the same thing last summer while I was pregnant and unemployed. It sounds like you are engaging yourself with more worthwhile endeavors than I did, however--I think I absorbed pretty much the entire series of Gilmore Girls that summer. Sorry for this novel of a comment--good luck with the job hunt! :)

Moonsahra said...

You're not completely friendless! I will admit, however, that I haven't been too good about getting out of the house these days. How about a cupcake run one of these days? I'll be out of town this weekend, but maybe sometime next week? I promise to be better!

Erika Wittorf Site said...

Good for you walking out of a job that wasn't good for you. You've got guts. I'd lend you my trampoline from my living room. You can leave me an email in German at

Moonsahra said...

Yeah, I'm a Wednesday night widow. I'm there! I usually get home somewhere between 5:30 and 6:00. How does 6:30 sound?

Squishy Burrito said...

You and Craig will get along great. Ask Mark how many foot shots he's gotten.