Sunday, November 16, 2008

My Co-workers

Working from home is sad sometimes because when funny things happen, I can't lean over and share a giggle with my neighbor. But, being the resourceful creature that I am, I have developed a method for sharing my giggles. I get on google and start a chat with Mark. Sometimes, he doesn't respond right away, but that is actually better. I get to imagine how he is reacting to my little funnies and then, when I get his actual reaction, it's like I've shared a laugh with two different people: imaginary Mark and real Mark. Now, even though I know my husband pretty well and usually know about how he will react, I let imaginary Mark have all kinds of reactions, just to spice things up. I might even give imaginary Mark a completely different name, so as to further separate his identity from that of the real Mark. But, I hesitate, feeling like this coarse of action may start me down a slippery slope that could deliver me to the unfortunate land of serious personality disorders. Speaking of naming people, though, here is a peak at the giggles shared by me, imaginary Mark, and real Mark:

me: So, you have a daughter and want to name her after two different women named the answer to name her Alice Alice? Some people think so.

me: Here's another. You want to name your daughter after a woman named Jeanice, but you want to call her the answer to name her Jean Jeanice? Some people think so.

me: And there are people who can't decide between the names Charmayne, Lydia, Wilma, and Mildred...and they think the answer is to name the child Charmayne Lydia Wilma Mildred. Horrible.

me: ...and no matter how you spell it, you can't name your son Ferry. I am trying to convince myself in says Terry, but...

Mark: I kinda like ferry

me: you would

Mark: yes I would

me: do you like "Alice Alice?"

Mark: yeah, but I think that another alice would be good
Alice Alice Alice Valentine
maybe a hyphen

me: Or AliceAlice Alice Valentine

Mark: Alice Alice-Alice Valentine or Alisalice

me: Alice is starting to look like a funny if you say shampoo or chicken over and over.
Or Alisa Alice...which reminds me that Jean Jeanice is also an option

Mark: Jeanalice-Jeanice Alicejanice Valentine
its a keeper

me: i like it
don't you feel better now that we have that on hand?


Alan said...

Yeahhhh gmail chat! That's what keeps Kristin and I connected all day long.

Alice Alice Alice Valentine is a fantastic name.

Moonsahra said...

This makes me think that maybe people shouldn't be allowed to have a second child if they totally mess up the first child's life with a name like Alice Alice. This family is a perfect example. Poor Ferry!

However, if you are thinking about naming your first child Jeanalice-Jeanice Alicejanice Valentine, maybe there should be some sort of intervention before you get even that far... ;)

CValentine said...

What? You don't like it?

Cassie said...

I still like Sister Daughter and she could grow up to marry someone named Brotherson.