Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bun learns to dance

I felt Bun a couple of times before Sunday night, but just brief bumps, and only when Mark was around. I think he got excited by daddy's different, deeper voice. But since Sunday night, I have felt him quite a bit. There have been two serious workouts. The first was Sunday night. We went to a high school production of Sweeney Todd (a couple of the young men were in the pit). As soon as the music started, Bun went crazy and kept it up through the whole first half of the musical. The second was yesterday when I was watching ice dancing (don't judge me). The American couple's free dance was to Phantom of the Opera and Bun LOVED it. Sweeney Todd and Phantom...either he's got a dark streak, or he just can't hear anything more mellow yet.

1 comment:

Jamie Simms said...

That's too funny! My favorite part of pregnancy is feeling them move, that and the delivery ( I know...I'm crazy). Maybe he just loves musicals!