Monday, May 24, 2010

Cookie Thieves

Dear missionaries who played basketball at the Frontenac building today,

Just because you are missionaries, doesn't mean you are entitled to anything in the church refrigerator. Please don't take what is not yours and has not been offered to you. Those cookies you stole belonged to the exhausted pregnant lady in the Family History Center, who was very disappointed to find them pilfered.


Exhausted pregnant lady

p.s. If you insist on stealing cookies from an unsuspecting pregnant woman, at least clean up after yourselves so that she doesn't have to do it for you.


Alan said...

lol. for whatever reason, this reminded me of the William Carlos William poem "This is just to say"

I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold


Somehow I imagine this to be the missionaries' half-hearted apology

CValentine said...

It helps, a little.

Laus said...

Sad day in the library :(

But I think you should count it as having fed the missionaries for the week ;)

Amy and Spencer said...

I agree with Rachael. How are you doing friend? I miss you!

Sarah McK said...

That is just wrong!!

Tori said...

What a sad story! I'm sure "disappointed" doesn't even begin to describe it. So sorry!

Charles said...

I feel that to support missionary-member relations I should take the flak for this, so...


CValentine said...

You are SUCH a martyr.

Charles said...

Your Mom's a martyr!