Saturday, May 8, 2010

The house

If you have been waiting with bated breath for me to post pictures of the house, I suggest you start breathing normally. I can't bring myself to post pictures of the house until I have completed all of my planned improvements, purchased all of my carpet and furniture, and unpacked and arranged all of my decorations. It is a big project, and I am an awkwardly big person right now. So, it's just going to take a while. In the meantime, just breathe...


Laus said...

Unfortunately for you you're only going to get even more awkwardly big and then when your belly pops you've got like a month to readjust to someone else's schedule and then a short period of wow this is great before more of bun's growth spurts keep you on your invite people to help you! Then you can relax in a place you love! :)

Laus said...

oh and then I can breathe normally after viewing your lovely home.