Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Ok, ok. So, it's a little early. But, let's face it. Our son is a brute. And I know his system can handle the cereal because I've been putting some in his bottle for a few weeks now. I just couldn't wait any longer. Eating makes him so happy, that I couldn't wait to get him started on some culinary adventures.

He experienced a range of emotions during the experience.




Dillon learned a valuable lesson. "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." The following clips document the experience in more detail.


Laurel said...

OK Fine. Clearly all your other friends are too polite. Don't worry. I'll say what everyone is thinking: WHAT ARE YOU DOING GIVING YOUR BABY SOLIDS AT 3 MONTHS?!?

That was fun. I'm such a good sister.

Laus said...

I think Ava would have loved having cereal at 3 months. I held out until 4 months and just said yes at the 4 month check up when the pediatrician said "Now you know she won't have solids until her next check up at 6 months, right?"

Miss you friend!