Friday, April 29, 2011

Have you ever...

...let your baby fall head first from a counter to a hardwood floor? Or something similar? Help me feel better about myself.


Amy said...

just remind yourself that it will make him tough. it might have been the first time he did something like that, but will not be the last. no broken bones. no trip to the ER. you are just fine. one day you might have to make that trip...and even then you shouldn't feel too guilty. they are kids and we as parents aren't perfect. don't stress.

jjhaslam said...

Callum crawled off of our very high bed head first onto our wood floor when he was 6 months old. It was amazingly traumatizing for all of us.

Benjamin & Kadee said...

Once I was babysitting and the baby fell off the kitchen counter onto the tile was terrible, the parents came home to a crying baby and babysitter! Luckily no major injury and they did let me babysit again, a few years later :) Things like that happen to everyone, don't stress too much.

Jennifer said...

Yes, I've done it. All parents have, It's hard to get used to your baby's' mobility when they have been stationary for so many months. You are an awesome mom, as you said yourself. This doesn't change anything.

Sarah McK said...

That was me talking about Callum, by the way. Not Jessica. :)

Unknown said...

Evelyn fell off our bed twice. Which really does make us bad parents since surely once should have been enough, right?

Laus said...

Ava fell off our raised bed, hit our wooden side table head first, then hit the floor head first. I think she was about the age Dillon is now when she did it. I had Steve take us to urgent care. She was just fine.
Another time (like this last semester) she was and still is very into jumping. I was vacumming the couch and had the cushions on the floor. She started jumping from one to the floor. No big deal right? Wrong. She landed wrong and for like 2 hours refused to walk. I had Steve take us to the Student Health Center sure I had let my baby break both legs. Nope. Just fine.

All growing pains :)