Thursday, July 8, 2010

35 weeks, new dress, and family

Here are some pictures of me on Sunday at 35 weeks. I am actually only measuring a little big because Bun finally put his head down. He's getting bigger, but I'm not. I was hoping for this.

The dress is new. I was inspired by a friend who helped me measure and cut. Then I sewed it all together in just enough time to clean up my sewing mess for our BBQ on Saturday and wear the thing to church Sunday. It took some cheating and tweaking, but I think it turned out well.

These are pictures from two weekends ago. We had a fun family adventure in Keokuk to celebrate my grandpa's 80th, my mom's 50th, and despite his absence, my missionary brother's 20th birthdays. I guess if you're really enjoying the "0 birthday" theme, we were also celebrating my nephew's birth. 0-20-50-80. We ALL got sick, but despite that, had a good time.


Amy and Spencer said...

I'm so excited for bun to arrive! I need your address!

CINDI said...

You are so cute. Love the dress. Keep using those creative talents. Pictures are wonderful. I am goint to borrow a couple for my blog.

Laus said... I am still waiting on my quilt ;) (You know now that you've moved up in the sewing world to maternity dresses putting one of your gorgeous quilts together for me will be a cinch!)
Also, you win the pregnant belly contest! Love you! (Ava stayed tucked under my ribs so I did not show very big ever)

Sarah McK said...

Your dress looked darling! I am impressed by your skills!

Tori said...

Your dress is beautiful. I love the color and pattern! Way to go!