Monday, July 19, 2010

Put your feet up.

It sounds like an appealing proposition. But, it really isn't. On Thursday, the Dr. didn't measure Bun like I thought he would, stating that it didn't really matter how big he is this week since he hadn't dropped at all. So, on Friday afternoon, I decided to make Bun as uncomfortable as possible, hoping he would drop. I did 3.5 hours of yard work involving our manual push mower, over grown grass and weeds, and hands and knees sidewalk edging with my floral sheers. (We bought an edger the next day). I think it actually worked. He seems much lower, and I can kind of sleep on my back now (without suffocating). But my body was in a bit of shock from the yard work, the dropped baby, and EXTREME temperatures. By Saturday night, my feet, ankles and legs were all swollen so big I could barely walk. The walking I did do was extremely uncomfortable. So, after everyone at church told me to go home and put my feet up, I did. Unfortunately, it wasn't what I thought it would be. I was incredibly uncomfortable since I had a massive baby shoved between my ribs and my elevated legs (Mark had them REALLY elevated). I was also incredibly bored. When you sit around listening to crickets, you just think of all the things you need and want to do that require you to be on your feet, or at least in a sitting position. Speaking of a sitting position, I need to get out of the one I'm currently in. My ankles were back to normal this morning (well, pregnancy normal), but now that I've been sitting here, they are swelling again.

1=This morning (You can see my right ankle tends to always be a bit swollen.)
2=Saturday night (It actually got worse than this on Sunday. I was the same size from my calf to my toes.)


Mavelous said...

if it weren't for the pretty toenails that are the same from pict to pict, I would swear that was two different ladies....

Wow dude. This is amazing.

Laus said...

Oh...I am sorry. I am not looking forward to any pregnancy with swelling. I didn't really swell with Ava until after labor and I think was due to the epidural side effects. But note to self...bring flip flops to wear home. I couldn't get my feet into the shoes I'd brought to the hospital.

Laurel said...

It kind of just looks like you photoshopped the picture on the left...and for the record, that's cheating.