Sunday, July 25, 2010

38 weeks

So, here I am at 38 weeks. Bun has dropped and I am bursting. I don't know how I will stretch anymore if he really stays in there two more weeks. (Sorry, these pics aren't focused very well.)

And, though I look a bit ridiculous here, you can see that I wore my rings around my neck today. As of this morning, they no longer fit. Sad. I was being stubborn, trying to get them on, and I nearly lost my finger. I got them slightly past my knuckle, couldn't move them in either direction, and watched my finger turn purple as they cut off my circulation. I won't be trying that again anytime soon.


JV said...

You still look so beautiful. Even your fingers look normal sized. That is just all baby hanging out in front of you! (It is fun to see your kitchen in the background too.) Hang in there--you have one lucky little baby boy coming in a very short time!

Laus said...

Mom/jill is right you know. You are BEAUTIFUL and it doesn't look like you've put on anything more than a baby in your belly so it should all come off quickly!! And 2 weeks isn't so long. I'm SOOOO excited, happy, elated, anxious, and every good feeling for you!
Come soon Bun!

Sarah McK said...

You actually look a lot smaller in person than in those pictures. I saw your rings around your neck on Sunday and thought it looked so cute! I thought, "I suppose it's because they don't fit anymore....but her fingers don't look swollen. Hmm."