Sunday, October 3, 2010

Some updates

I've been really bad about keeping my camera with me. That's why every picture in this post was taken on my phone. I need to work on that.

Here we have Dillon pictured with his buddy Brigham. We went to Lake St. Louis to visit a friend. Dillon impressed my friends with his insanely impressive little motor boat.

Here's what happened the first time I tried to take a picture of Dillon's smile.

Dillon and I went to Ohio for my dad, his Poppa's, birthday. My sister and his cousins came as well. My parents had all of their grandkids under the same roof for the first time since Dillon came along. Here we have some pictures of Dillon enjoying his second flight ever. We had a lay-over and the second flight was a little less crowded and stressful than the first (so I was able to take pictures.) He loved it...there was room to lie down...

...literature in the seat back pocket... in flight beverage...

...and a great view. So, we had a wing seat...but it was kind of cool that our airplane looked like Shamu.

Dillon enjoyed our visit. He had some very nice naps...

...made some new friends...

...and was mildly brainwashed by his Nonna. I only made him wear the body sweat shirt long enough to wish her a happy game day.

This was kind of exciting, but it only happened once. Here's hoping it happens again soon.

Wednesday night, Dillon stopped breathing. Mark was at bishopric meeting and I was making his bottle. He'd been screaming (for his bottle) and stopped. I thought he was just pausing (as babies do). But 30-45 seconds later I realized he hadn't started back up again. Once he gets going, it's not like my son to stop screaming until he is swallowing something. I went in to check on him and he was candy apple red, slack jawed, eyes closed, and not breathing. I was able to get him breathing again, but the whole ordeal was pretty stressful for him. He ate 1/3 oz and fell asleep. This is the same kid that ate 9 oz the other night, and then woke up famished 2 hours later. I took him to the pediatrician Thursday, and she sent us to the hospital for an echo- and an electrocardiogram. She wanted to make sure his heart is ok since he has a family history of infant death. The results came back Friday and he is just fine. We just have to watch him when he is really full and/or screaming since this was probably just a bad reflux episode.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Sarah McK said...

How scary! He's such a cute, chubby little guy!