Tuesday, February 22, 2011

D's new zen

As I mentioned, Dillon LOVES the swing. He loves the music, he loves the shape/height of the seat, and he loves the toy tray.

In early December, little bear was sick (we later discovered it was an ear infection). He didn't much want to swing because he preferred being held. Understandable.

Then we left for Christmas and survived 2 long weeks with no swing.

When we got home, Dillon's Dr. said he couldn't use the swing until we decided if he needed a helmet. So, I spent a month keeping him upright/on his tummy in as many ways as I could think of. He hated it.

THEN, I decided that a helmet wasn't for us. (If you are one of the MANY people I bounced my frustrations off of re: the helmet, we are happy to report that this is the right move for us and we feel very confident about it.)

Since Dillon's head wasn't getting any WORSE, we stopped stressing and let him play on his back, sit in his bouncy chair, and get back in the swing. For the last couple weeks we've been remembering how much love this little boy has for the swing. But, he's a chunker, and the swing is a (very, very kind) loaner. So, he's been sitting in it with toys and music, but no swinging...unless he can convince a kind passerby to push him a bit.

I was reluctant to tear him away from the swing, so I brainstormed ways to get one of our own to make him happy until he destroys it. But, in the end, we've decided to move on and grow up a bit. I'm sure there is nothing wrong with a baby his age loving the swing, but there is a swing at the park down the street, and there are toys on the floor where he should be learning to play by himself and move around.

This is the first "mean" decision I've had to make. But, even though it is hard to be "mean" it's just going to get worse from here on out, right? He might as well start learning now that Mommy knows best, even though he may not agree. Like right now, for instance, Mommy knows that he needs a third nap because he got his shots and missed half of his second nap. He doesn't agree, but, knowing best, I have to be "mean."

On a happier note, Dillon, being distressed about teeth (I think) and the shot situation, was inconsolable earlier this afternoon. Usually I would just set him in the swing to calm down. But...we got creative. Dillon calmed down in his bouncy seat with some yogurt melts and Toy Story. He has a new zen. Sad that it's television, but, whatever works.


Careen said...

The reason he's so happy in the swing video is that I am sitting in a chair next to him nudging the seat with my toe. Betcha couldn't tell. That was just for show. I wasn't usually that nice.

jjhaslam said...

Are you giving him Tylenol for his teeth and shots? It is a lifesaver!! And you can overlap with ibuprofen if it's bad, too. Totally different meds.

Careen said...

I am! He's totally drugged. Plus his pediatrician is really cool about letting him have massive doses because of his weight. He gets more than the max doses on the drug charts. It's kind of funny. I just hesitate a bit since I really don't know what is wrong with him. Maybe teething, but I feel like that is a bit of a catch all excuse. But, regardless, I have totally caved and he's pretty dopey.

Laurel said...

Careen. This is a post without any sort of pictoral support. I am thus unable to leave a charming comment.