Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The sitting sick

I don't know about you. But, when I am really sick, I walk around for days on end clutching a box of Kleenex that travels everywhere with me.

Dillon has been pretty sick for the last couple weeks. He hasn't been doing the Kleenex thing, but he didn't let go of his bulb syringe for two days. It's now his favorite toy. We call it his "Bam-bam."

In other news, Dillon can sit!!!

And from Daddy's cell phone...


Sarah McK said...

I knew he could do it! :) What a cute little chubster! I hope he feels better soon!

Mavelous said...

Dillon! You can sit! That's legit!

Dillon's mommy -- he looks like you! I see it more and more now. I think he has your eyes, is that it? Do you see it?

I used to think he was Mark Jr through and through but I see a lot of Barrett in him now

Tori said...

Look at that delicious chub! He's so stinkin cute!

Danelle said...

I think Dillon and Adeline have been channeling the same thing, because she has been playing with her bulb aspirator like it is a toy too! (Like the past week!) And I don't care. It can keep her from squirming on the changing table. I hope he feels better soon, and congrats on the sitting up!

We need to hang out soon! (But I guess when Dillon is better. I am tired of Adeline getting sick, I was just realizing that since Thanksgiving, we've averaged sickness almost every three weeks! No good!)