Thursday, February 17, 2011

...making me happy.

I'm feeling much better than yesterday, when I was sure I would pass out, leaving my babe unattended. Mark got up with him at 4 and 7am, and I slept from 10p-9a. This is making me happy.

I turned off our heater yesterday, slept all night with a light blanket, the sun is shining and it is 72 degrees in our house. This is making me happy.

I stocked up on diapers for $2.50/pkg. This is making me happy.

This baby loves me. This is making me happy.

These legs don't need pants. This is making me VERY happy.


Sarah McK said...

There is NOTHING better than a fat baby in a romper! I am OBSESSED!!!!!! :)

Laus said...

Cool points for Mark! And yea for feeling better! and oh my GOODNESS Dillon did it. He got even cuter!

....and I would REALLY, REALLY like to come see you. Maybe Steve'll let me spoil myself and I can come in the Fall when we have income again. :)