Thursday, February 10, 2011

Happy half, Lovey.

[The videos work now!]

Dillon's half birthday was on Sunday, February 6th. As luck would have it, he had lots of extra attention from Nonna, Aunt Laurel, and Aunt Meara, whose trip happened to coincide with his half-day.

I was adamant about there being some sort of celebratory treat. It was decided that a cupcake would be just the thing. But, some were concerned that he wouldn't know what to do with it, being only 6 months old. So, we had a practice round on Saturday. Some friends came over, and the smaller of the friends borrowed Dillon's swing. This was mildly upsetting for him, so to temper the sting, we gave him a chocolate chip pancake...just to see. He knew EXACTLY what to do with it.

(Sidebar: we later gave him a regular pancake and he would have nothing to do with it.)

The videos are pretty long, so feel free to skip around for the highlights. Thanks to my sister, Meara, for all the footage.

The cupcake proved a bit more difficult than the pancake. Wanting to see him destroy it, we didn't just put it in his hand. Therefore, it was more difficult for him to get it to his mouth. Also, since cupcake doesn't hold up as well as pancake, there was a bit more gagging, sputtering, and red teary eyes (I think we turned off the camera for that part.)

All in all, though, it was a success.


Love, Mommy

[p.s. The other day, I immediately gave him a bath and a bottle so he could go down for his nap. Today, we met some friends at the bakery that made the cupcake, and ordered it to share. (Chocolate Ganache from My Daddy's Cheesecake, where a dear friend is the manager/head baker.) This time, I ate most of it, and Dillon had bites of frosting from a spoon. He was REALLY mad on the way home and I couldn't figure out what his problem was. Then we got home and Daddy tried to play with him, but he just screamed. This is very un-Dillon-like behavior. Finally, I realized, he was THIRSTY. The poor bear was eating all that rich chocolate frosting and had nothing to wash it down with because it wasn't bottle time.]

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