Friday, April 13, 2012


Dillon is accumulating quite a vocabulary. Usually, if he starts whining, I can convince him to think of a word to communicate what he wants. This was Dillon's word list as of 8 March 2012:

dog, cat, duck, toast, applesauce, hot (noun, refers to food), hat, ball, no, night-night, bye, hi, hello, berries, baby, Momma, Dadda, Nonna, Poppa, Dillon, Bubba, out, up, bar (refers to snacks), belly, shoe, bear, car, Brigham (his friend), milk, water, uh-oh, toe, again, french fries, pizza

Since this list was compiled, Dillon has learned the following words:

bath, bubble, nose, eye, ear, mouth, cheek, chin, diaper, leg, temple, Jesus, egg, Clark (Brigham's new baby brother), toys, whee (refers to his swing), I do, yes, bonk, balloon, yum, poop, wipes, down, tickle-tickle (tickling people's feet is HILARIOUS)

He also knows the following animal sounds:
duck, elephant*, cat, dog, sheep, cow, monkey*, camel (he spits), lion, bear*
*these also have hand motions

He uses the following signs:
more, please, lovie, help

And he IDs the following articles of clothing/ body parts:
pants, leg, ear, eye, nose, mouth, cheek, chin, head, hair, sock, belly, shoe, foot, toe, diaper, jammies

Instead of saying, "yes," Dillon says, "I do."
Q-Do you want to read a story?
A-I do.
Q-Do you want to go eat breakfast?
A-I do.
Q-Would you like your Lovie?
A-I do.
Q-I love you, Dillon. But you cannot rip your books. It makes Mommy very sad when you rip your books. Please do not rip your books again. Do you understand Mommy?
A-I do.

Dillon can identify Jesus or a temple in any picture. I was wearing a tee shirt the other day with a picture of the capital building on the back. Dillon noticed it, and starting patting my back while excitedly saying, "Pull! epull! tepull! tepull! pull! pull! pull!"

Dillon has recently learned how to get out of ANYTHING. If he doesn't want to get his shirt buttoned, or he doesn't want to get back in his carseat, or he doesn't want me to put him in the cart, all he has to do is wrap his arms around my neck and lay his head on my shoulder and hold on tight. He can get me to stop and stand like this for several minutes in a parking lot. I know it probably isn't good for him to feel like he is in control, but my baby boy is growing up so fast. I will take any opportunity I can get to just be still and hold him tightly.

1 comment:

Laus said...

Cute. Love it. Hope you get to hold him tight often.