Thursday, April 19, 2012

When I was a kid, we usually wore my Mom and Dad's old t-shirts as pajamas. Tonight, I told Dillon he got to have special jammies. He got very excited when I told him all about the "tree"-shirt, and how it was Mommy's from her very first school.

Q- Do you want to wear Mommy's special shirt?

A- I do! I do. (head nodding)

I was inspired by strange behavior Dillon has exhibited the last couple of days. He has been carrying around one of Mark's shirts like a lovie. He snuggles it to his face and says, "Da! Da!" I had to do a Houdini swap last night to make sure he went to bed with lovie and not Mark's maroon shirt.


Laus said...

Awww, his face looks different--good and sad different--the I'm not a baby I'm your growning up boy change. He is so adorable!

Laus said...
