Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mommy finally takes pictures.

Home sweet living room. I am not allowed to climb stairs until next week (though I've been increasingly disobedient the last day or so). This is where Dillon and I are temporarily camped out.

My baby burrito. I made a couple of these swaddle blankets and Dillon seems to like them. I will probably tweak my pattern a little before I make more, but I was surprised how well they worked out. I am now a die hard believer in swaddling.

This is the oh-so-cute alligator outfit that Nonna brought to the hospital. Dillon came home in this outfit. Unfortunately, he was born with massive feet, so the 0-3 mo. socks don't fit his feet. But, they make good mittens for protecting his face from that mean baby that likes to scratch him.

Here is my sweet boy having a nap on the Boppy I made for him. (Well, I made the cover, bought the pillow). Also pictured here is the soft-and-silky blanket I made.

Here we have a more social Dillon; eyes open and hand waving to all his adoring fans. Can you believe those DARK blue eyes? Oh, my. My son is beautiful.

Dillon was playing with Daddy and got worn out. All of a sudden, arms and legs went limp and he just lay there for a few minutes, working up a little strength to continue the games. You can see little scabs on the top of his head. This is what remains of the massive bruise he got from the vacuum that eventually pulled him out of me.

And, finally, this is my boy after an exhausting church experience. There were just so many people to meet and look cute for. I was proud of him for being such a good boy, and proud of myself for actually staying for all three hours. I only intended to stay for one.


Laus said...

You've been so busy sewing! I love it! (and I'll admit envious! I wish I was talented like that. Maybe one day...) Dillon is a lucky boy! I am not surprised you are increasingly disobeying the rules for recovery but do try to keep them :)
I think for your next baby Steve will have to fly me out! I want to call and talk to you but have wanted to give you time...since you were so accommodating to your church buddies expect to hear from me soon! :)

Amber said...

Bummer about the vacuum extraction (mostly for you!). Luckily, babies heal like crazy super heroes and he won't even have scars in a few more weeks. He is adorable. I think the dragon socks on the hands is my favorite.

Rachel said...

He really is a gorgeous baby. I wish you new moms with tough deliveries would just stay home from church, because you overachievers are making those of us who laid around for 6 weeks look pretty lame! :) Can't wait to meet him!

Rachel said...

Ok, this is Sarah McKenna by the way. I am on my sister's computer. Oops.

Heather said...

What a cute little baby. Congrats.