Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thank you Aunties Jess and Em

Dillon (or Freddie, as she refers to him) got a swing from his "Auntie" Jessica. We are borrowing it since "cousin" Oscar is too big for it. So far, it has been amazing. Dillon had a lovely nap in it this afternoon.

We also need to thank Dillon's real Aunt and cousin, Em and Hyrum, for all the 0-3 month clothes they lent us. Unfortunately, Dillon has been having quite the growth spurt this week. He is too big for all things 0-3. So, we have been trying to wear everything at least once. Dillon wore an adorable outfit to "Mommy and Me" today. And we matched, as you can see from the picture below. Unfortunately, at the end of "Mommy and Me" he peed on his adorable outfit...three one diaper change. Oh well. Now we can try on something else that he will only wear once.

1 comment:

Laus said...

I love free baby stuff. And what's so great is that at that age getting hand-me-downs is sometimes just about as good as getting new. Ava had so many clothes she wore just once that we passed down to cousins and we got so much from cousins and friends. Got to love it! Especially when your spouse is going to school :0)