Friday, August 27, 2010

Got Milk?

Dillon is hungry no longer. Even if I have completely destroyed my milk supply by supplementing for the last few days, it has been worth it. I can't stand watching my baby cry, knowing he is hungry, and therefore sleep deprived, and not do anything about it. He is finally sleeping during the day again (he hasn't done much of that at all this week), and he doesn't cry during every waking moment that he isn't being held/bounced or fed. For the first time in days, my baby is milk drunk. And I LOVE it!!!

p.s. He hasn't needed any formula yet today. Yay!


Sarah McK said...

Almost everyone supplements! Don't worry about it! At this stage you just do what you gotta do to get a happy baby!

Laus said...

Amen Sarah! And kudos to you Careen for trying not to for so long.
PS call me! know when you're not sleeping or like um busy with your darling new babe, so soon????
I'll talk to you if you're pumping and bored :)